Traffic Data

Calculate traffic flow more accurately with Audi traffic data based on timestamp and geolocation.

Traffic on a busy highway

What is Traffic Data about?

Traffic data also known as Probe data allows for the optimization of navigation services and provides improved routing to drivers. The data in this product is based on timestamps and geolocations, and can be used as the basis for optimized and updated traffic flow calculations. Traffic helps to decrease traffic congestions by using swarm data to aid drivers’ overview. Pinpointing where potential hazards will appear warns drivers of any potential delays or difficulties, empowering them to choose a different route with enough time to change direction safely and effectively, amongst other benefits.

What data or features do I have access to?

Our data set includes information about vehicle GPS position, timestamp, vehicle heading direction and speed.

Technical Limitations

Supported Brands and Models

Traffic Data is derived from selected Audi models.

Supported Markets

Please contact us for further information.

Permitted Data Usage

The scope of the data usage is defined in the contract between the customer and Volkswagen Group Info Services AG.


In order to access data of the product Traffic Data, the following steps and prerequisites are required:

  1. First, we will agree on a legal contract with you and your company. Please contact us for more details.
  2. On the Data Hub
    • Your company registers on our portal (referring to for B2B account)
    • You subscribe to this product
  3. After subscribing to the product you will be issued an API-Key.
  4. You can connect to the data product and consume the data by sending a GET Request according to the API specification of the product you can find below to the provided endpoint
  5. Set the HTTP-header `x-marketplace-api-key` to the value of the API-key

Read on for the event data detailed content and format description.

API Specification